Child Safety: How to Make Your Blinds Child Safe


Whether you have children of your own, are a grandparent or only have tiny visitors occasionally, its important to make sure that the blinds in your home are safe for children. Young children can be strangled by loops in pull cords, chains and tapes and inner cords that operate the product.

Since 2014, every single home has been required to follow the safety guidelines set out by the government, as well as public buildings and commercial premises. By law, blinds are required to fit into one of three categories:

  1. Safe by design- these blinds don’t have any loose or free hanging cords that could pose a threat to children or pets.
  2. In- built safety systems- these blinds don’t require the extra installation of any safety systems; a chain break connector or breakaway device are examples of in-built safety systems.
  3. Separate safety systems- these must be installed separately before using the blinds. Direct Order Blinds provide these with your order, and they are normally cord or chain tensioners.

As well as ensuring that your blinds have safety systems or are safe by design, there are extra measures you can take to ensure children are safe.

These include, making sure all cords and chains are secured out of reach of babies and young children. Never tying cords together and making sure cords don’t create a loop. You can also move beds and cots, playpens and highchairs away from blind cords and chains and move furniture away from blind cords and chains as children love to climb!

The British Blind and Shutter Association strongly recommends that any new blinds you install are ‘safe by design.’

Some blind options that are safe by design are:

  1. Roller blinds
  2. Venetian blinds
  3. Perfect Fit blinds
  4. INTU blinds

These blinds are safe by design because they are either wand operated, spring operated and moved by hand, tension pleated blinds or motorised, with no hanging cords or chains.

If you have existing blinds that aren’t already ‘safe by design’ then there are safety devices, you can employ to make them safe.

A chain-break connector will break apart when undue pressure is applied on the operating chain but can easily be reconnected again. Cord/chain tidies should be securely fixed to an adjacent surface and at the maximum distance from the top of the blind so the cords and or chains are held permanently taut by the device. A cleat should be securely fixed to an adjacent surface out of the reach of children and at least 1.5 metres from the floor. The cords must be secured around the cleat in a figure 8 position after every use.

By making sure the blinds in your home are safe for small children and babies, you are not only abiding by the legislation but guaranteeing that no harm comes to your children or any that visit your home. For more information and guidance visit the BBSA website.


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